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Ammonite - Gold & Blue

AMMONITE - GOLD is available 

BLUE  is SOLD. Contact me to make another.


Working in both mediums of plaster and resin, I have brought together both to make up this piece.

The beauty of our earth, oceans and reefs has inspired me to work these wonders into art.

I handcast the large plaster ammonite then built up layers of acrylics, graphite mica and the subtle addition of two tone blue/green glitter.  I then layered high quality resin with acrylics, shimmer pigments and silver leaf, these are then fused together using my blowtorch and it is this that creates the complexity of textures and various dimensions of the colours. Each layer requires 24 to 48 hours to cure before the next is applied, so some pieces can take several days.

I love the depth and sumptuous richness of the various shades of turquoise, deep rich blues and silver leaf that flow through this piece.  The resin is highly reflective so when the light catches it, it becomes almost luminescent as the fusion of colours and shimmer pigments shine through creating a most stunning, almost 3 dimensional effect. It also changes according to the type of light and time of day.. A piece that seems to constantly change and will be a stunning addition to any room.


Seeing just a flat picture of my resin art doesn't do it it's the trickiest thing to photograph!  So...PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE SHORT VIDEO at the (bottom of the Resin page) SHOWING AN EXAMPLE OF THE TRUE DEPTH AND BEAUTY OF RESIN ART WHEN IT CATCHES THE LIGHT ;-) 

Please note that as each one is individually made it will be slightly different, however I think this adds to it's uniqueness! 

60 x 60cm. Plaster and Resin on slate.

Ammonite - Gold & Blue

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